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Q: I love your program, but am having a bit of a problem.
I have copied the HTML into “Frontpage”, which I still love and use.
I use CORE FTP to load it to my 1and1 site.
When I bring up the finished page in Google Chrome, the slideshow is perfectly centered
in the middle of the top of the page, right where I placed it.
When viewing in Internet Explorer 9, the slideshow is off on the left side.
Is there a code line that I can insert that will fix the problem and get it to show centered in IE.?
A: Try to install the slideshow into a div tags with central alignment:
<div align="center">
<!-- Start HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine/css/slideshow.css" media="screen" />
<style type="text/css">.slideshow a#vlb{display:none}</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine/js/mootools.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine/js/visualslideshow.js"></script>
<!-- End HEAD section -->
<!-- Start BODY section -->
<div id="show" class="slideshow">
<div class="slideshow-images">
<a href="">
<img id="slide-0" src="data/images/dscf1666_small.jpg" alt="DSCF1666_Small" title="DSCF1666_Small" width="426" height="320" /></a>
<a href="">
<img id="slide-1" src="data/images/dscf1993_small.jpg" alt="DSCF1993_Small" title="DSCF1993_Small" width="426" height="320" /></a>
<a href="">
<img id="slide-2" src="data/images/p1280089_small.jpg" alt="P1280089_Small" title="P1280089_Small" width="426" height="320" /></a>
<a href="">
<img id="slide-3" src="data/images/p1300261_small.jpg" alt="P1300261_Small" title="P1300261_Small" width="426" height="320" /></a>
<a id="vlb" href="">Slideshow Builder by v1.6</a>
<!-- End BODY section -->
For troubleshooting, feature requests, and general help, contact Customer Support at . Make sure to include details on your browser, operating system, Visual SlideShow version, link to your page.
Make the process of creating your sites for non-profit and commercial purposes easier, this solution is free and doesn't require special skills.